I was reminded of this poem tonight, by a cricket who hopped on my knee. It’s a poem that takes a while the first time you see it … a nonsensical staircase of letters by e.e. cummings:. r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r ~ by e.e. cummings It’s nonsensical until you learn, as OxfordWords blog explains, that e.e. cummings is presenting a “grasshopper…
Meadowhawk Cleared for Landing
I’m taking a summer break from my writing here at the blog, to finish some creative projects. I’ll be back in the fall — maybe a bit sooner. Until then … I’ll be posting some of my favorite photos and photo-tunes in this spot. (Ziggy Marley, today). Thanks, my friends, for sticking around and for…
The Tenacity of Spiders
This is a re-post from September 2010. We’re coming upon spider and web season in Seattle, and I haven’t captured another video of web building since I shot this one. At the time, we were staying with friends who have a lush, Northwest garden — ample habitat for garden spiders, Northern Flickers, chipmunks and the…
House Fly Cafe
Could be a diner shuttered by the Health Department, or . . . A house fly doing what house flies do: bringing up saliva to liquefy food. Flies tend to stand still through their moments of digestion, making macros of this phenomenon possible. Shot on a friend’s porch, after a rain deluge, with my Panasonic…
A Dragonfly’s Dinner
It was only after I zoomed in on the big screen that I realized he’d been grabbing airborne snacks and coming back to this perch to dine.