On a recent morning, nursing my perfect cup of coffee as brewed by my perfect host of a friend, I heard a sound from the kitchen. A shout, actually …
Fast Food [Gull] Nation
Part of what makes gulls both amusing and exasperating to humans is their cleverness and opportunism when it comes to food. Across the gull universe, the diet is omnivorous. They’ll eat crustaceans, fish, insects and other marine organisms. They will also prey on the nests of other bird species for food. A number of researchers…
Patriotic Red-Tail
I didn’t realize until I came upon this photo today, that I have a minor theme in my image archives: birds posing with flags. This is the first bird-patriot picture to creep into the Today’s Photo feature.
All Right, Mr. DeMille . . .
This umbrella was left behind in a park where some of San Francisco’s wild parrot flock was foraging for dropped fruit in the grass.
Parrot City
I haven’t visited my parrot people in recent weeks. The last time I saw them was on a mission for Parrot Patrol, checking up on them, making sure people were behaving around San Francisco’s finest.