I love seeing signs like this … Two such signs were posted at Point Robinson Lighthouse on Vashon Island in Washington, one of the few public-access beaches in the area. It’s the same spot where I photographed the large flock of Brant Geese foraging along the shoreline earlier this year. On a crystal day, this…
Giving Birds a Fair Distance
Off-season, I regularly walk the trail loops at Washington Park Arboretum in Seattle. It’s one of the longer spurs of waterfront access in a city. So, when I’m feeling homesick for San Francisco Bay and the miles of open trails, I find solace at the Arboretum. In the summer, the human and boat traffic can…
Give Wildlife a Break: Plum Solutions
On a recent morning, nursing my perfect cup of coffee as brewed by my perfect host of a friend, I heard a sound from the kitchen. A shout, actually …
Squirrel Girl & The Cherry Blossoms
Squirrels don’t win popularity contests with gardeners and bird feeders. Tree squirrels, agile and clever, have been known to outsmart even the toughest mazes designed to thwart them. In fact, if you never saw the 1990s British documentary Daylight Robbery, check out the video clip at the end of this post. From there you can…
Give Wildlife a Break: The Devil’s Rope
Barbed wire is just doing the job it was invented to do — keeping livestock in and intruders out . . . In the wildlife world, it’s an invention that’s caused injury, death and significant suffering for countless species.